Welcome back Freya with another artistic blog - Frey's a veteren now after doing days 2 and 4 - and this time brings you a blog in graphical form. We spent the day collectively reimagining school and exploring all the skills/confidences that young people are denied by our brutally limited schooling system at the moment. A key part of the camp is about sparking radical imaginiation and we think we've stumbled on some good ways of doing just that - all very exciting for the future!

Thanks Freya for the artwork - ya legend!
If you want to try one of the exercises we did then find a friend (or a few is best) and stretch your imagination by telling a collective story of a school day in a more beautiful time - you each say a sentence and pass it round the circle walking through the day together and stretching your imaginations together. We walked through a day with Molly, a young girl learning on the outskirts of Paris whose school day surrounded the colving of community conundrums, talking about mental health with her peers, chatting in the schools own language that built on many languages of the students and much more!
Imagination is the tool we have to lay a path of powerful embodied hope into the future - its time we get practicing it as a real and important skill!
And here's a load more photos of the day for y'all - love and power from the RR Crew!
Love and Power from the RR Crew!
