What we've been up to this month!!
Welcome to new people who have signed up with us over the last couple of months! This is a newsletter that goes out monthly(ish)(depending on whether or not we're out troublemaking), and through it, we're aiming to deliver you updates on what we're thinking and doing as the Radical Restart collective. If you'd like to get a bit more context as to how the last 3 months have been for us, you can check out the other newsletters published on our blog! There's also some funky updates to our site, which aim to give more information about our projects. As we come into the darker months, it's important that we all reassess what it is we want to carry with us and focus on, and what we've learnt from the energy of the summer. We've started new connections and projects, and now is the opportunity to grow and strengthen them. Activism is a constant learning process, and so reflection time is really important, not just on our project work, but also on the lived experiences of activism and organising - this is why we've started the Popular Education Learning Circle, which had it's first session a couple of weeks ago - if you're under 30 and would like to come, check out the blog for the sign up details, we'd be happy to have you. Our main focus for the winter, as we mentioned in the last letter, is building a radical youth education space - we've now decided to name this The RYSE - The Radical Youth Space for Educations. Things are going well with this, and moving at an exciting pace - we’ve started connecting with some really cool adults in the community who are going to be helping us out with different things going forward, and we’re well into writing 5 different residentials for the new year that look at the themes of Direct Action and Imagination, Youth and Class, Land and Legacy and Memory, Schooling, and The Future of the Youth Climate Movement. We’ve worked out that these are going to cost us around £6000 to run all together, so are looking for funders, applying for grants, and possibly creating a fundraiser soon. Our hunt for a permanent physical space is also beginning. Also we thought it would be nice to show you our posters that we’ve started making for promoting The RYSE around Stroud - we made them in Dennis Gould’s letterpress workshop, which is sick - Dennis celebrated his 84th birthday a couple of months ago and has been making prints for years and years - a true anarchist letterpress poet!! Maybe we'll make some merch with him soon...

^^This is our new bizznizz card
Check out our blog for more of our things that we're up to (the deschooling stuff is also up on the site, and we're looking for signups!!) and as always share our website and fundraiser about if you're up for supporting our work! Have a lovely November folks!!