Our learning communities will grow in ever widening spirals of trust, connection and transforative action - this is not a linear path to be forced and so we will let the seasons guide us.
We come together to flip our taught worldviews on their heads - to invert the colonial inheritance we have been handed and instead work to take our place within, and learn from, the freedom fighting people's of the Global Majority.
Here we sit within the kitchen - the heart of any home - with the pot boiling away, books aplenty on the walls and the rocking chair of Highlander in which to rest.
Western Schooling hates youth. Designed to create conformity, kill imagination and prepare us for a world as yet broken - its time to break the classroom before it breaks us.
There is nothing stronger than the threads of resistance that connects us with our ancestors - both of blood and learning - we hold this thread everyday as we work for change
Hands up we own that we're locked together with the rest of our generation - joined in the struggle for life
As the team behind The RYSE we put a lot of love into our logo - tbh its more of an emblem - and we did this because we believe in the need for deep stories to challenge our society's hollow ones. Here we are using symbols, both our own and inherited, to try and begin to tell the stories that we will weave into all our work within The RYSE and we invite you to begin exploring them with us. You can use your mouse to hover over the sections to light them up and learn what they mean to us.
R is for Radical
Y is for Youth
There is nothing stronger than the threads of resistance that connects us
with our ancestors
- both of blood and learning - we hold this thread
everyday as we
work for change
Hands up we own that we're locked together
with the rest of our generation - joined
in the struggle
for life
Western Schooling hates youth. Designed to create conformity, kill imagination and prepare us for a world as yet
broken - its time to break the classroom before
it breaks us.
Y is for Youth
Here we sit
within the kitchen - the heart of any home - with the pot boiling away, books aplenty on the walls and the rocking chair
of Highlander in which to rest.
S is for Space
S is for Space
Looking out on the hills of Stroud we know that in reconnection to place, to the more than human world we will find more than grounding - we will re-find our kin.
Looking out on the hills of Stroud we know that in reconnection to place, to the more than human worls we will find more than grounding - we will re-find our kin.
R is for Radical
The mushroom that grows from the radical roots is as good a guiding North star as any we know in these lands. #itlookslikeaclit
"Radical simply means grasping things at the root" - Angela Davis
E is for Educations
We come together to
flip our taught worldviews
on their heads - to
invert the colonial inheritance we have been handed and instead work to take our place within, and learn from, the freedom fighting people's of the Global Majority.
"Education is an act of love and thus an act of courage" - Paulo Freire
Our learning
will grow in ever
widening spirals of
trust, connection and transforative action -
this is not a linear
path to be forced and
so we will let the
seasons guide us.
"Education is an act of love and thus an act of courage" - Paulo Friere